“I’m a Partner, Not a Maid! Make Your Own Dinner”

Sarah had always prided herself on being a modern, independent woman. She had a successful career, a vibrant social life, and a partnership with Steven that, until recently, she considered to be built on mutual respect and understanding. However, as the months passed, she found herself slipping into a role she had never agreed to – that of a traditional housewife, expected to cook, clean, and cater to Steven’s every need, despite working just as many hours as he did.

“So, you think I’m your maid or something?” Sarah finally exploded one evening as Steven, once again, questioned why dinner wasn’t ready the moment he walked through the door. The look of genuine confusion on his face only fueled her anger. In Steven’s world, a woman’s primary responsibility was to take care of the home, a belief deeply ingrained by his mother’s example. Sarah, however, had not signed up for this.

Their argument that night was long and heated, with Steven struggling to understand why Sarah was so upset. “My mom always took care of the house and had dinner ready for my dad. What’s the big deal?” he asked, genuinely perplexed.

“The big deal,” Sarah shot back, “is that I am not your mother. I am your partner. I work just as hard as you do, and I expect us to share the responsibilities at home.”

But Steven’s attitudes were deeply rooted, and the conversation ended with no resolution. The days that followed were tense, with both of them stubbornly sticking to their guns. Sarah refused to play the role of the maid, and Steven continued to expect her to do so.

One evening, Sarah came home late from work, exhausted and hungry, only to find that Steven had ordered takeout for himself and hadn’t bothered to get anything for her. “If you wanted dinner, you should have prepared something,” he said nonchalantly, not looking up from his meal.

That was the last straw for Sarah. She realized that no amount of discussion or argument would change Steven’s deep-seated beliefs about gender roles. The love and respect she once felt for him were overshadowed by resentment and disappointment. She knew then that their relationship could not continue on this unequal footing.

The following week, Sarah moved out of the apartment they shared. The breakup was difficult, but she knew it was the right decision. She could not spend her life with someone who saw her as a servant rather than an equal partner.

Steven was left alone, confused, and regretful. He had lost the woman he loved because he was unable to see her as more than a caretaker. It was a hard lesson, and one that came too late.